Surface cleaning and disinfection are two different behaviors. Unfortunately, many people mixed these two terms without clearly notice the difference. DST is focusing on detergent development and we want to discuss some details about cleaning in this article.
The objective for surface cleaning is to clean the surface whereby disinfection is for surface sanitizes.
Surface cleaning focus in surface contamination removal effect. Surface disinfectant is means for sanitize purposes.
What is Surface Cleaning?
In general, surface cleaning refer to removing any dirt or contaminant on the surface. There would be many types of contaminants around us. However, from a household perspective, the contaminant always refers to soil contaminant and grease contaminant.
The Soil Contaminant
The soil particle is a foreign particle that appears on the substance’s surface. The particle could be loose to sit on the surface or bond tight. A loose particle could be easily removed by an external force.

However, a bond-tight particle is hard to remove by external force alone. We have to break down the bonding force in order for removing the dirt contaminant. Under this circumstance, we need an effective surface cleaner to perform the cleaning effect.
The Grease Contaminant
Grease or Fat molecule present in every part of our environment. The molecule will attach on the substance surface even without your notice. This oil contaminant will become a thin smear tightly bond on many substance surfaces.
Moreover, the oil smear will “grow” over the period of time. This is causing by the oil smear deposit in the layer after some time. The “thicker” oil smear is even harder to clean. For instance, the oily stain mark in the kitchen. We have to use the dedicated kitchen spray cleaner to remove this type of greasy stain mark.
How to Clean the Surface Contaminant?
We know the soil and oil contaminant always present on the surface. And the bonding effect decides how secure the contaminant attached to the surface. As we mentioned earlier, break down the bonding between two substances is the primary strategy for surface cleaning.
Under this circumstance, add a detergent in the cleaning process is the purpose for breaking down the bonding strength. The detergent which gives lower surface tension will dislodge the contaminant on the surface. A loose particle will be removed by an external force such as water flush or wipe.
The Detergent Role in Surface Cleaning
Apart from the lower surface tension, the detergent comes in the bipolar property. During our formulation process, we do apply the detergent bipolar property in order to “remove” the lipid (oil) from the substance surface.
Not all detergent serves the same purpose. We have developed several dedicate detergents in order to overcome individual contaminant. For instance, a detergent use to clean a gas stove is different than the detergent for table surface cleaning. Even though both surfaces contain oil smear but not the same extend.
A windshield cleaning detergent also difference than dish-plate cleaning.
If you are facing some contaminant and hard to remove, feel free to contact DST. Even though we have many experiences in surface cleaning, but they’re always a room for us to improve.
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