Let us draw a new year 2024 plan for us and everyone.
After 365 days of year 2023, now we are moving into year 2024. In DST, we have long-term strategic planning before moving into 2024. As the SWOT analysis, we had gone through our strength and weakness study meanwhile set our 3 years long term goal.
Year 2024 will be the year for us to work on establishing our own management system.
Middle-Long Term Goal
A 2024 new year plan is a 3-5 years plan, perhaps this is a long term goal for a company. While we are focusing in daily tedious activity, the long term goal will determine the direction we want. Under this circumstances, a long term goal has to be properly defined.
Instead of talking about 5-10 years goal, whereby we are more concerning about middle-long term goal, which is 3 years goal. Setting a 3 years goal is something like showing us a direction which not very far away from now.
Similar strategy also applied 2-3 years ago. We have set up some several digitize system to assist our daily job, this include:
- Customer PO management system
- Internal Work Progress Management
- Payment system
The 3 system have given us a good guide through-out the past 5 years. We want to progress further for coming plan.
Coming 2024 New Year Strategy Plan
DST has been services more than 10 years in the market. Considering with all the potential business, we decided to spin out forming several divisions. The company expansion was designed in such as away so that we could expand further:
- Giving the potential working with talent people through out Malaysia.
- More focus in individual business.
- Prompt action against customer needs.
- Grow our team
The Base
Besides the business structural upgrade, we also expand on the hardware. In order to cope with latest customer and expansion needs, there will be 2 major upgrade:
- Setup a new factory.
- Setup an branch office.
The new factory locates in Ipoh Perak whereby the new branch office will locate in Klang Selangor. Both destination are selected so that we could give good support to our customer.
Furthermore, the factory will becomes our manufacturing hub for several products.
The Management System
As our plan, there will be more collaboration throughout the organization. Even though we have the some digitize system for our ordinary management, yet we need more. We do not over emphasize on a management system whereby it will limit our innovation. However, we do need some management system to promote our core value and day to day decision making.
Value Recognition
As a company value the employees’ talent, we emphasize training and certification throughout our organization. Several certification has been stated in our plan:
- ISO9000 certification
- RBA compliance
- Poison license
- CIDB Malaysia
We believe these are not the final list from us, we believe we may add several more throughout the 3 years plan.
Products and Services Development
Even though DST has worked in PVA sponge in industrial application, but there are still rooms for us to improve in coming years. 3 main sectors we are focusing in coming 3 years plan:
- Large PVA Sponge Roller
- Industrial Steam Boiler
- Industrial Cleaning Development
We have a very strong team working on these 2 sectors. Several products already appears in our list so that we could work out the new product development for coming 3 years. Just to name a few:
- Wood Bleach Product.
- Mechanic Hand Cleaner
- Water Repellent Agent
- Grinding Coolant
Even though those products have very small and narrow niche, but we still putting our effort coming up a good and reliable product.
With the above strategy and 2024 new year plan, we have equip ourselves to move on in the year 2024 and so on.