EC Disinfectant Tablet
EC Disinfectant Tablet

The Coronavirus outbreak has forced public health authorities to implement a new way of promoting hygiene practice, this includes the needs of aerial disinfection or aerial sanitizer activity.  China government has demonstrated using a drone for aerial disinfection.  By the way, have you ever thought about what type of disinfectant solution which the China authority is using for aerial disinfection?  You are right, Chlorine Dioxide solution.

The disinfectant tablet supply under EC Specialty Supplies is one of the hygiene products mainly used for aerial disinfection.  It could use for individual disinfection purpose too!  While coming to aerial disinfection, user concerns about the disinfectant result rather than personal preferences, such as fragrance, appearance.  They just want an effective disinfectant solution which practical in handling without risk.

Main Ingredient of Disinfectant Table

EC Disinfectant Tablet
EC Disinfectant Tablet

The main ingredient for disinfectant tablet contains high concentration of chlorine dioxide.  It is an effervescent tablet which could easily dilute in water and making the solution ready to apply in aerial disinfectant.

Perhaps, researches have showed and reveal that chlorine dioxide is having a better disinfectant performance than bleach, Sodium Hypochlorite.  A chlorine dioxide solution with 10ppm concentration has proved for it outstanding disinfectant performance.

Making up the Disinfectant Solution

It is easy to make up disinfection solution by using the Disinfectant Tablet supply by EC Specialty Supplies.  Follow the below instruction so that you are getting a 15ppm chlorine dioxide solution.

Make up procedure

  1. Prepare a 4L water in an container
  2. Drop 1 tablet of disinfectant tablet into the 4L water container
  3. The effervescent dilution effect started
  4. Wait for 5-10min before the disinfectant tablet totally dissolves.

Now, you are having a 4L of 15ppm Chlorine Dioxide solution which is ready for you for disinfection purpose.  We named the solution as working solution.

Choose anticeptic method correctly
Disinfection Method

How to Apply the Disinfection Solution for Aerial Disinfection

User could apply 3 methods for aerial disinfection purpose:

  1. Fogging method
  2. Mist
  3. Spray

By using the adequate tools and equipment, the user could start to perform aerial disinfection by using the solution.  Due to the strong oxidant performance, we strongly urge the user to purge the equipment with plain water after the completion of aerial sanitizing.  This is to prevent corrosion on the metal part in the equipment.

You could contact EC Specialty Supplies for the disinfectant tablet or direct purchase from our e-commerce shop.

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