Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the common process uses in many cleaning processes, especially for small components or component with many angles or surfaces which hard to achieve mechanical scrubbing.
In DST, we do have several detergents use in ultrasonic cleaning. Please contact DST for choosing the appropriate detergent for your ultrasonic cleaning process.
Add Detergent in the Ultrasonic Cleaning Tank
In many ultrasonic cleaning processes, people always discuss about the frequency selected and the ultrasonic power. However, an experience field engineer looks beyond this perspective.
Understand How Ultrasonic Tank Working

Select an appropriate detergent for ultrasonic cleaning will achieve a better cleaning result. During the ultrasonic cleaning, the transducer in the ultrasonic tank will generate compression energy against the substrate surface. The compression energy will regulate with a routine manner. This means the compression force on the substrate surface will retract and generating an agitation on the substrate surface after the compression.
The regulated compress – agitation – retract kind of behaviour will help to dislodge the contaminant or particle which initially attach on the substrate surface.
Detergent’s Role in Ultrasonic Cleaning

If the ultrasonic tank is added with a suitable detergent, the detergent will play another role in particle removal. The low surface tension detergent will help to breakdown the bonding force between the contaminant and substrate surface.
As we learn from practical ultrasonic cleaning process, larger contaminant or particle is easier to remove than small particle contaminant. However, for small particle contaminant, an ultrasonic tank consists with detergent will definitely getting better efficiency for removal.
Detergent is playing an important role in ultrasonic cleaning. However not all the detergent is suitable for ultrasonic cleaning. In DST, both the Turboclean and EZ-Clean detergents or cleaner have been used in various ultrasonic cleaning processes. The surface tension of the detergent is loosen-up the particle attached on the substrate surface.
Ultrasonic Cleaning Process Used with Detergent
Takes Hard Disc Drive (HDD) media cleaning process as an example. While the industry is squeezing more storage density in a same media plate, the allowable or tolerable particle size is getting smaller and smaller. Currently the HDD industry is talking about nano-size of particle. With such a small particle size requirement, it is very hard to remove the particle with only ultrasonic force. We have to introduce better cleaning method in order to achieve cleaning result, this include the role of detergent.
Over here, we do not want to over emphasize the important role of detergent in a cleaning process, and giving reader a wrong perspective. However getting an appropriate detergent in your ultrasonic tank will give you much better cleaning result.
You are welcome to contact DST and understand about our detergent selection. Let us work with you for getting an appropriate detergent for ultrasonic cleaning process.
I am intetestd in wet cleaning process.
Most of the processes in cleaning is considering at Wet Cleaning. However, there are several processes which commonly used in wet cleaning:
1) Soak clean
2) Over flow
3) Ultrasonic or even megasonic cleaning
4) Scrubbing
5) Spray rinse
All wet cleaning process are happened at “Wet Stage”, all involve water or detergent solution.