Bacteria in Detergent


Most of the industry users putting less attention in bacteria in detergent.  However there are some industries emphasize about bacteria control, such as 1) Food industry;  2) Medicine industry; 3) Metal Cutting industry. Through our life span testing, our detergent could maintain the product characteristic even up to 2 years storage.  However this doesn’t mean […]

Cleaning Concept Apply in HDD Media Cleaning Process

After we published the article about the important for choosing suitable detergent for ultrasonic cleaning process, we receive a comment from a reader who wants to find out some basic of HDD media cleaning process. Knowing that hard disc drive is very particular in surface cleanliness, the reader want to learn and see what he […]

Use Detergent for Ultrasonic Cleaning Process

Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the common process uses in many cleaning processes, especially for small components or component with many angles or surfaces which hard to achieve mechanical scrubbing. In DST, we do have several detergents use in ultrasonic cleaning.  Please contact DST for choosing the appropriate detergent for your ultrasonic cleaning process. Add […]