WHO has announced that a 75% alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective in sanitized the bacteria and virus. This is the reason why many people are rushing for alcohol hand sanitizer without giving more in-depth consideration.
From an earlier article, we had revealed several points for selecting a hand sanitizer products. Hence, we should focus on the risk or at least the precaution measures for using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Ethanol or IPA are both types of active ingredient used for making alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Therefore, we have carried out an in-depth study of both ingredients.
Effectiveness of Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
We do not deny, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is one of the effective and easy to apply. In the year 1966, the doctor had started used alcohol-based hand sanitizer and it becomes popular from the year 1990. Compare to other disinfectant products such as Hypochlorous acid and chlorine dioxide, alcohol definitely has a long history in disinfectant.
Now, we have more choices for disinfectant. Quantum Hand Spray Sanitizer definitely is one of the latest disinfectant product you should consider.
How to apply the Sanitizer?
There is no strict procedure for applying. Rub both hands with sanitizer and let it air dry.
Uncertainty of Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer Product
Some of the sanitizer manufacturers have taken advantage of not properly label the products. We observe from the market, many sanitizers product’s packaging only label with the words Alcohol and 99.99% disinfection, this is insufficient to descript the sanitizer product.
I had read news saying that the Hong Kong government has performed a random check on the alcohol sanitizer and found a large failure rate. Malaysia Government and consumer association should have randomly pick and do a similar check to ensure the consumer’s health is in priority.
Without government protection and proper product label, the consumer could only protect ourselves with knowledge. There are two major risks for an alcohol-based sanitizer.

How to measure Alcohol Concentration?
Use Alcohol Refrlectometer to measure the concentration of alcohol solution.
- Alcohol concentration. 60-80% of alcohol concentration has been proved with disinfectant capability. 75% concentration is the norm for disinfectant purpose. Over concentrate or dilute will cause the hand sanitizer with no effect in disinfectant purpose.
- Alcohol Grade. Either Ethanol or Isopropyl alcohol is made via fermentation and distillation process. Only cosmetic grade alcohol with 99.9% concentration is suitable for sanitizer purpose. Unfortunately, lower grade alcohol or denatured alcohol which only has 96% concentration should NOT allow using for sanitizer. The 4% impurity consists of Methanol which causing harm to our body. The denatured alcohol consists of Methanol impurity and Methanol is a poison product to a human being.
Could we use wine for hand sanitizer?
The alcohol concentration in the wine is too low for disinfectant purpose.
What is the Application Risk for Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer

Base on Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemical (GHS), the alcohol product comes with 2 hazardous precautions
- Flammable
- Harmful. Skin irritation and sensitivity.
After understand the GHS precautious statement, user has to use the hand sanitizer with extra precaution in mind.
Are you aware the risk?
- Stay away from fire or high-temperature area flammable concern.
- Away from ignition or oxygen gas.
- Spray on hand only. May may cause skin irritation.
- Not overspray on hand as will dehydrate the skin.
- Sanitizer is for external use only.
- Not allow inhaling alcohol spray.
- Thoroughly rinse the empty alcohol bottle or container before disposal.
Hopefully, this article has listed out the incompetence or draw-back for using alcohol-based hand sanitizer product. Read the sanitizer product label before before the purchase.
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