Wastewater pool

We have been working with many industrial waste water treatment companies along with our business development.  Base on Malaysia’s DOE regulation, contaminated water shall be processed so that it could fulfil the discharge criteria.  As a company focus on industrial cleaning, DST always keeps a good practice to understand the country water discharge regulation.

On the other hand, DST also works with various industrial wastewater treatment companies within the territory so that we could ensure Comply with regulation.  A Malaysia DOE licensed on water treatment company, Waterbond, is whom we always work with.

General Job Scope for Industrial Waste Water Treatment Company

Wastewater Treatment Control Panel
Wastewater Treatment Control Panel

A talent waste water company provides the services to cover activity related with water.  They shall start with piping layout design and review, identify the processes for complying discharge regulation, supply consumable and also periodic monitoring with official reporting.

Control Panel for wastewater plan

Piping layout seems straight forward at first glance, however, there are many know how in the topic.  A poor piping design may encounter significant pressure drop or even stagnant portion which interprets as poor circulation.  The ease of piping maintenance also other criteria for judging a water piping system.  Through-out daily operation, the process owner has to perform piping sanitizing.

They will also layout the mechanical and electrical job in their treatment plant so that the details are well taken care.

They are much more details job involved while coming to wastewater treatment, and all the job is well worth to hire a professional company for setting up a treatment plant.

Why Engage An Industrial Waste Water Treatment Company

Industrial wastewater company serve several roles for a company with water discharge.  They are the experience not only well known the discharge regulation but also determine the appropriate waste water treatment process.  They will work with their client from a few aspects:

  1. Establish an appropriate wastewater process
  2. Ensure water discharge quality comply with regulation
  3. Reduce water consumption
  4. Protect and minimize the impact to environment

Some Criteria while Choosing Industrial Water Treatment Company

The industrial waste water treatment market is not big within Malaysia.  Choose a company who are really experience and good remark is definitely a wise move.  Besides, there are several guidelines for our reader to consider:

Wastewater Treatment Fibre Tank
Wastewater Treatment Fibre Tank
  1. Approve and Licensed by Malaysia DOE
  2. With design capability
  3. Could provide site surveillance and reporting
  4. Good relation with DOE department

Owning to stringent discharge requirement, we always encourage our customer should engage a professional wastewater treatment company to assess the situation.  They provide a broader perspective to their client for identify the opportunity.  You are welcome to contact Waterbond or feel free contact DST for further information.

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